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Memories | Silkscreen on Tiles | 2022 | One of a Kind  


Tiles are everywhere. For years or decades, they are the substance on which we move. They get dirty, then washed again, then dry and get their own patina over time. Some of them break.

Tiles are recumbent, silent carriers of memory. 

The memories in my head are overwritten daily by new experiences.

The superimposition makes memories merge and disappear. They can hardly be separated from each other, and although they took place in different places, they are also firmly located: namely in my head. Like a puzzle of individual tiles strung together.


This work deals with exactly that. They are memories that are binding and firmly linked to each other - like tiles on a floor.

Sometimes the memories are barely recognisable. But if they are washed, they can become visible again or fade away.

An active remembering or silent forgetting.

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